DateFebruary 9, 2025

Official Xposed For Nougat

Lead developer of Extended Framework, Row 89, said in January that the development process on the device is in progress, but it can take hundreds of hours to complete. After storing it in its spare time, and receiving a little help along the way, the new version has now been released.





The news comes by XDA Developers, which has noted that support for Extended Framework and Extended Installer has been upgraded to Android 7.0 and Android 7.1.1. This means, if you have the original device, you can easily install the framework installer application to run Xposed on your handset.






Xposed Framework is a free tool that allows Android users to customize specific aspects without installing other aspects of their ROMs. To achieve these changes, it uses the automated software “modules”, which allow for things like common UI tweaks (like some Gravitybox), and extras for certain apps (like snuffers for snapchats).


How do Xposed Modules work?

The essence of this is that Xposed Framework allows modules to “connect” to Java methods of any application, either installed by the user or through a system application. Xposed allows modules to execute their own methods before, during, or in place of the original application. For example, imagine a method used in the Gmail application that sends notifications for new emails. By default, the method creates a new notification with buttons for archiving / deleting or responding to e-mail. An Xposed module could be made to hook into this method and add a new button as “mark as read.” (Yes, there is already a module for that). The above is an oversimplification of the final result of what Xposed Framework allows its modules to do The Framework itself is incredibly complex and makes it work almost universally on devices with roots – without a custom ROM – is why Xposed for Android

The essence of this is that Xposed Framework allows modules to “connect” to Java methods of any application, either installed by the user or through a system application. Xposed allows modules to execute their own methods before, during, or in place of the original application. For example, imagine a method used in the Gmail application that sends notifications for new emails. By default, the method creates a new notification with buttons for archiving / deleting or responding to e-mail. An Xposed module could be made to hook into this method and add a new button as “mark as read.” (Yes, there is already a module for that). The above is an oversimplification of the final result of what Xposed Framework allows its modules to do The Framework itself is incredibly complex and makes it work almost universally on devices with roots – without a custom ROM – is why Xposed for Android



How to Install Xposed on any phone ?

Best Xposed Modules




























Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.