DateFebruary 5, 2025

About Us

Who is TweakGuy (Game of Roms)?    


My name is Jignesh patel.

            I’m an enthusiastic creative Video Maker currently working at GameofRoms
a Very Unique Channel.I live in Melbourne Australia and I Love to Customize Smartphone or Any Kind of Computer device.

          I Make Very Unique Tech Videos and Always Find Something New for Phones Something Like Android Custom Roms, Tweaks, Ports, Themes Also Kind of Videos Which You Wont Find Elsewhere. I’m an enthusiastic creative Video Creator currently working At Game of Roms a Very Unique Tech channel on youtube. I like to discover and learning things every day,

           TweakGuy aims to report each of the technology story in the deepest and simplest way, with the up-to-date info, making this as a resource for any phone enthusiast to learn about the present, the past and the expectations for the near future in the world of mobile phones. There are countless number of gadgets in the current tech arena, but a big percentage of that gets connected through mobile phones. TweakGuy concentrates to bring the best in the mobile phone section, in a way that a user always would have wanted to read.

         The Platform is new, but the people behind it aren’t. The team at TweakGuy has been into the reviewing since a few years. The time has come to get deeper into a particular section, and it’s Mobile Phones which our readers have been craving to get latest updates about.Just Trying to Make Something New in Tech Community.Videos Are Coming Everyday and Posts on This Website Will Be Coming Regularly Trigger the Geek Inside You and Subscribe to My Channel