Dirty Unicorns 7.1.2 Nougat Rom Review

Dirty Unicorns 7.1.2 Nougat Rom Review
Dirty Unicorns which is most probably THE most feature packed ROM out there available .hyperUnicorns is a variant of Dirty Unicorns that implements custom optimizations.
– Compiled with ArchiDroid optimizations
– Compiled with HYPERTC 4.9
– Compiled with Snapdragon LLVM Compiler 3.8
– Improved Krait targeting
– Latest SQlite 3.15.1
– Latest CodeAurora wlan drivers
– Linaro sources for art, dalvik, bionic
– Stock-based kernel with patches from sultan’s/archiUnicorns kernels and other sources, focused on efficient, everyday performance
– Snapdragon Camera
– A lot of DU 7.1.2 features.
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