DateMarch 14, 2025

MiUi 9 Download

Miui 9 Redmi Note 4 / 4x

The setup of MIUI 9 is same as MIUI 8 just except some color code schemes with the Blue Lightning Logo which you will see after the device boots up. But i must say the Boot up of the device after flashing the ROM was very fast as compared to the previous MIUI versions.


  • Wipe Factory Reset
  • Flash the ROM

Miui 9 is ultimately underwhelming update from Xiaomi, but we’ll have to reserve final judgement until we get our hands on the software.

if you want the gapps, flash opengapps pico via TWRP

This is one of the most trending features out there. It was renamed from Smart Assistant. You can find it by swiping from left to right on your Homescreen. You can find apps on your Homescreen by typing the name of it or search the image you are looking for, You can enter some URL or text and it will search on the web for you. You can add the shortcut for various apps there and there is a note window where you can write any important thing and it will show up in notes app as well. It even counts the Steps you have moved. You can disable it by Pinching the Homescreen>Settings>Turn off Quick Card.

Miui 9:-Download


Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.