DateFebruary 28, 2025

New Magisk Modules 2019

New Magisk Modules 2019

New Magisk Modules 2019  Best New Magisk Modules 2019 and 2020 In this guide we’ll look at how to install Magisk modules, and then Cloudflare has released a new security tool that anyone can use for free.

Magisk is a great open-source root solution, offering a “Systemless Interface”, allowing easy modification of your favourite device with peace of mind. Magisk is a module based application, so its configuration can be as individual as the member applying them. Many modules exist for Magisk, providing all sorts of modifications, such as cloaking your device from SafetyNet. This article brings together some of our favourites. Installation of Magisk is relatively simple, with instructions and downloads available in this thread.

New Magisk Modules 2019

And there’s another benefit: support for Magisk modules.

These tiny apps tweak, enhance, and add functionality to your device. You can use them for everything from improving battery life to installing iOS emojis on your Android phone.

In this guide we’ll look at how to install Magisk modules, and then get you started with 10 of the best.

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How to Install Magisk Manager on Android

If you aren’t already set up, follow our in-depth guide on how to root with Magisk. If your phone is already rooted with the older SuperSU method, you can unroot and then reroot with Magisk.Here is Video of How to Install Magisk in Any Phone

How to Install Magisk Modules

You need to use the second method if you’re downloading modules manually. You can find a lot of these in the Magisk GitHub repo,

Download the module to your phone’s storage.

  1. In Magisk Manager, open the sidebar and select Modules.
  2. Hit the Plus icon, then locate your downloaded module.
  3. Long press on the module and select Open. It will begin installing right away.
  4. Reboot your phone when prompted.




A fantastic Magisk Module that will turn your device into a OnePlus flagship by adding:
– Oxygen OS boot animation;
– Oxygen OS custom media;
– Oxygen OS apps (Camera, Gallery, Weather, the OPCamera compatibility is not guaranteed);
– OnePlus Slate font.

Download directly from Magisk Modules Repo (Magisk > hamburger menu > downloads > search)



Download directly from Magisk Modules Repo (Magisk > hamburger menu > downloads > search)




Special Instructions:

  • If you already know which original v4a you want to use, just add ‘old’ for, ‘mid’ for, ‘new’ for, or ‘mat’ for material to the zipname prior to flashing.
  • If you already know if you want it installed as a user or system app, add “uapp” for user app or “sapp” to system app to zipname.
  • If you already know if you want to apply the lib workaround, add “lib” or “nlib” to zipname (note that there are some devices that are already known to require it and so they’ll apply workaround regardless of choice)
  • If you already know if your device/rom requires the v4a open/close/fc audioserver workaround, add “ocw” to zipname. Otherwise, add “nocw” to zipname
  • To skip volkeys (if your device isn’t compatible with them), add “novk” to the zipname. Note that if you don’t specify the above, defaults will be applied which are: sapp, new
  • Make sure there are no spaces in the zipname




1. Install/upgrade from Magisk Manager or custom recovery.
2. Reboot.
3. Go to Settings > Display > Cast > 3 dots; tick the "Enable wireless display



Foxy Boot uses black background color and white foreground color by default. The font scale is dependent on display DPI. These values can be changed using the following system properties:

  • foxy.boot.scale — scale factor, can take integer values from 1 to 9
  • foxy.boot.background ­— background color in hex format (e.g. #000000)
  • foxy.boot.foreground ­— foreground color in hex format (e.g. #ffffff)
  • foxy.boot.source ­— message source (kmsg for the kernel ring buffer or logd for Android log)

Download directly from Magisk Modules Repo (Magisk > hamburger menu > downloads > search)




Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.