DateFebruary 9, 2025

Oct Os Rom 7.1.2

Oct Os Rom 7.1.2

Oct Os Rom 7.1.2

Team OctOs was formed on a few core beliefs. The ROM had to be something we’d run, reliable, and customization by the user to the level of their desire.

Releases appear when we are satisfied in their stability, and not before hand.  We live by the credo that Stability trumps ‘Bleeding Edge’ and not ‘New is everything’.

Very Unique Rom so far nice oct theme in the rom

Full review coming soon

How to install this rom:

Download ROM .zip file and Open Gapps package
Reboot to TWRP Recovery
Factory Reset from TWRP
Flash ROM and GApps .ZIP files

Rom For All Smartphones:-Download

Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.