DateFebruary 4, 2025

Samsung One UI Samsung Experience Port For Oneplus 6

Samsung One UI Samsung Experience Port For Oneplus 6

Samsung One UI Samsung Experience Port For Oneplus 6 Install samsung s8 s9 s9 + os one ui samsung experience on oneplus 6 easily

My ‘Experience’ With Samsung’s OS One Ui On Oneplus 6
* Surprisingly stable, I haven’t expereinced crashes or lag in the system or apps (apart from the display size settings).
* Battery life appears to be good, no issue at all
* In the launcher settings I couldn’t enable the app drawer
* Many Samsung apps (music, keyboard, newer ‘experience home’, …) could be installed but crashed on launch
System bugs:
* Sometimes when rebooting it rebooted the system as expected, other times it rebooted to the bootloader with no way to boot back into android
*  some interface items get covered up by the notch.

How to Install 

* Create a full back-up
* Download and extract the ROM
* Install Stock OOS 5.1.11 (Oreo) using this:…icked-t3796051
(Powe off completely, hold vol+ a few secs and connect to pc. then run the program)
* Skip through set-up and enable OEM unlock
* Unlock bootloader
* Reboot to bootloader, connect to pc and run the ‘op6_flasher_windows.bat’ file
* Reboot to bootloader and boot TWRP (I didn’t install it but you could)
* Flash Gapps pico and reboot system
* Complete set-up, disabling the weather location. Google set-up crashes, the 2nd time you can close the app

Windows Users:
Extract the zip somewhere.
Reboot to fastboot and plug Your phone in.
Double tap on op6_flasher_windows.bat (Don’t run it as admin)
Wait till it finishes flashing.
Flash OpenGapps Pico for 8.1 arm64
Done! Enjoy Your rom!

Linux Users:
Extract the zip somewhere.
Reboot to fastboot and plug Your phone in.
Open terminal in folder with rom files.
chmod 777
Wait till it finishes flashing.
Flash OpenGapps Pico for 8.1 arm64

If You want to update, or You don’t want to format Your data use “flasher_no_format_data”.

At the end of the SetupWizard make sure to disable Weather Widget location access etc, otherwise it will crash SetupWizard. If You miss it, just tap next on all SetupWizard pages and disable Weather Widget location access then. After that You should see Google SetupWizard, now just tap let’s go and then force close SetupWizard when You see a pop up. Done! Enjoy SEx 9.5!

What works:
Almost everything, check bugs!

What doesn’t work / Bugs:
Live Focus in Samsung Camera
Alert Slider
Display Size settings crash, You can use Dev Options to change DPI.
Brightness is always 100% 
Weather Widget doesn’t load
Notch covers the screen a little (adjust dpi and it should help)

Temporary Brightness Fix: Use Automate from Play Store and setup these profiles as widgets on Home Screen or enable them on every unlock or use a timer to set brightness every 5 seconds or something.

Brightness Profiles

At the end of the SetupWizard make sure to disable Weather Widget location access etc, otherwise it will crash SetupWizard. If You miss it, just tap next on all SetupWizard pages and disable Weather Widget location access then. After that You should see Google SetupWizard, now just tap let’s go and then force close SetupWizard when You see a pop up. Done! Enjoy SEx 9.5!

I know it’s not the nicest setup process but it’s actually very easy once You go through it by Yourself.

Check screenshots in attached images!

Samsung Experience Port for OnePlus 6 – GDrive

Warning! DO NOT flash Samsung OTA’s! They may brick Your phone! If You end up flashing one anyway, just use EDL mode or fastboot to go back to stock firmware.

motivate Dev to work more, buy Him a coffee!


ProtoDeVNan0 @Xda

fxsheep for his sgsi guide.
OnePlus for creating OP6! Best device for roms 
My friend Dylan for always supporting me 

Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.