DateFebruary 7, 2025

Download Best Android Gaming Hydra Kernel

What is Android Kernel ?

it is the basic piece of software on which the entire OS(Operating System) runs and interacts directly with the hardware, written in C/C++ programming language. With out kernel there is no chance that you can run an OS because you cannot access the hardware also it determines the security and performance of the device.

Lets take an example, suppose you installed some app to take photos. So that you need to access the camera of your phone. But the app cannot do that. It cannot directly access the camera to take photos. Instead it sends request to the kernel and the kernel provides access to the camera. Suppose if there is no kernel (It’s not at all possible but lets assume) the app developer needs to write code for every possible camera sensor to take a photo which makes the app more complex, time taking and makes the application size bigger. Basically every Linux operating system(Android is also a Linux OS) runs on top of a kernel. Simply Linux means kernel. You can check kernel version of your phone at Settings > About Phone > Kernel Version

Hydra Kernel

The kernel is tuned for better battery life maintaining good performance and misc features like KLAPSE and wireguard

How to Flash:-
Reboot to your lovely custom recovery
Backup current boot image
Select the zip and flash
Clear caches

Combo Number 2

Full Review of Havoc os + Hydra Kernel


Features of this Kernel
– Build with latest sabermod Toolchain 7.0
– Build with BPI7 kernel source!
– F2FS compatible
– Latest Linux version 3.18.42, is always up to date
– Choose between different CPU governors: performance, powersave, userspace, ondemand, interactiv (default), conservative
– Built with latest ramdisk sources from samsung (BPH7)
– I/O schedulers: CFQ (Default), ROW, No-op, Deadline, BFQ, FIOPS, SIO, VR, ZEN, FIFO, and SIOplus
– Fixed power efficient wq permission
– Critical TCP bug fixed
– Thermal drivers updated
– Selinux updates merged by google
– Zram LZ4 enabled
– Allow ADB-Insecure
– TCP (Network) control: Bic (default), Reno, cubic, Westwood, Highspeed, Hybla, HTCP, Vegas, Veno, Scalable, LP, Yeah and Illinois
– SeLinux is set to permissive
– All samsung related configs disabled (as knox, tima, restrict rooting)
– force encryption by samsung disabled!

How to install

1. Download kernel
2. Boot into recovery mode
3. Flash kernel
4. Flash any other file which affects ramdisk (such as supersu, xposed, magisk etc.)
5. Reboot

Download Hydra Kernel :-Here

Full Credit to Developer :- Tesla59

Download Crimson Kernel For Android Phones

Crimson Kernel :- Download

For all other Phones:-Download

AGNi_kernel_jasmine-st… Download
AGNi_kernel_lavender-s… Download
AGNi_kernel_tulip-stabl… Download
AGNi_kernel_wayne-sta… Download
AGNi_kernel_whyred-st… Download

Agni Kernel

* Fully compatible with HMP(non-EAS) roms without need of EAS/Pixel perf-hal module
* Faster faceunlock (whyred/tulip)
* Wifi drivers (Pie & Q) increased speeds & efficiency
* Better battery temperature reading and charging management

3 Best Kernel For Android

if its not available for your phone try this one :- Click here

Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.


  1. Subhajit Sarkar

    Is hydra+ kernel only available for redmi note 7 pro. If not can i install the kernel from your Link in any phone. Also does hydra+ kernel support gsi rom.