DateMarch 8, 2025

Download Most Private Mobile os iode os for Android

Download Most Private Mobile os iode os for Android

Here I will show your best Most Secure private mobile os Custom Roms All Androids inclusive the heavily marketed BlackPhone claim hat they are secure but in fact there is absolutely no undefended evidence nor authoritative testimony that they have been secured Androids have been hacked and can be hacked by the without any help at all There is no better evidence and testimony than that, that iPhones and iPads are the most secure mobile devices, bar none Androids are so very easy to hack that hackers simply send out a virus and it infects the Androids it comes into contact with and the hackers can now install spyware

odéOS is a privacy-focused operating system powered by LineageOS and based on the Android 10 mobile platform. iodéOS aims at protecting the user’s privacy with a built-in adblocker and by freeing the smartphone from snitches.

The objectives in the conception of this ROM are threefold:

  1. To keep the stability and security level of LineageOS, by minimizing the modifications made to the system. Apart the system modifications required by the adblocker, we mainly only added a few useful options commonly found in other custom ROMs, made some cosmetic changes, modified a few default settings to prevent data leaks to Google servers.
  2. To ease a quick adoption of this ROM by new users. We especially target users that are concerned by the protection of their privacy, but are not reluctant to still use inquisitive apps like Google ones. We thus included MicroG as well as a coherent set of default apps (all open source, with one exception), and simplified the initial setup of the system. Particularly, an initialization of MicroG has been made with GCM notifications allowed by default, a privacy-friendly network location provider (DéjàVu) pre-selected, as well as Nominatim Geocoder.
  3. To provide a new and powerful way of blocking ads, malwares, data leaks of all kinds to many intrusive servers. We are developing an analyzer, tightly integrated into the system, that captures all DNS requests and network traffic, as well as a user interface (the iodé app). Compared to some other well-known adblockers, this has the advantages of:
    • Avoiding to lock the VPN for that use. You can even use another adblocker that uses VPN technology alongside our blocker.
    • Being independent of the kind of DNS server used by the system or set by an independent app: classical DNS on UDP port 53 or any other one, DNS over TLS (DoT), DNS over HTTPS (DoH), …, as we capture the DNS requests before they are transmitted to the system function that emits the DNS request. What we do not support, is DoH when it is natively built into applications, i.e. when an app communicates directly with a DoH server, without asking name resolution to the system. It would require to decrypt HTTPS packets between such an app and the DoH server, which may create a big security hole.
    • Precisely mapping DNS requests and network packets to the Android apps that emitted (or received) them.
    • Deciding which apps have a filtered network usage (by default, all apps), and which ones can communicate with blacklisted servers

Top 5 Best Private Mobile OS

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iode os
Changes in LineageOS to prevent data leaks:
  • Default DNS server: Google’s DNS replaced by Quad9’s ‘unblocked’ servers.
  • A-GPS: replaced by
  • Captive portal login: replaced by for connectivity check
  • Dialer: Google default option replaced by OpenStreetMap for phone number lookup.

iode os Full Review

Pre-installed apps:

  • MicroG core apps: GmsCore, GsfProxy, FakeStore, maps API.
  • NLP backends for MicroG : DejaVuNLPBackend (default), MozillaNLPBackend, AppleNLPBackend, RadioCellsNLPBackend, NominatimNLPBackend
  • App stores : FDroid (with F-Droid Privileged Extension) and Aurora Store.
  • Browser: Qwant instead of Lineage’s default browser Jelly.
  • SMS: QKSMS instead of Lineage’s default SMS app.
  • Maps/navigation: Magic Earth GPS & Navigation (the only one free but not open source).
  • Keyboard: OpenBoard instead of AOSP keyboard.
  • PDF: Pdf Viewer Plus.
  • Personal notes: Carnet.
  • {Ad/Malware/Data leak}-blocker: iodé.
  • News: to keep users informed about our developments, as well as a FAQ.

Useful options from other custom ROMs:

  • Smart charging (disables charging when a given level is reached, to protect battery health).
  • Fingerprint vibration toggle.
  • Swipe down to clear all in recent apps.

How To Install?

  • Must have Unlock Bootloader:-For Xiaomi Click here & How to For Other Phones Click here
  • Must-Have Custom Recovery:- How to Click here
  • Download (Link Below )
  • Go to your Recovery
  • Wipe Data System Cache Dalvik
  • Install ROM
  • Install Gapps
  • Reboot – 1st boot takes around 5-10 minutes.
  • Enjoy


Gsi For All Phones

20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_arm64_bvS.img.xz 2020-11-15 542.4 MB
20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_arm64_avS.img.xz 2020-11-15 542.5 MB
20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_arm_bvS.img.xz 2020-11-15 421.3 MB
20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_arm_avS.img.xz 2020-11-15 420.9 MB
20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_a64_bvS.img.xz 2020-11-15 417.2 MB
20201114-UNOFFICIAL-treble_a64_avS.img.xz 2020-11-15 417.1 MB
Totals: 7 Items 2.8 GB 6,619

Flash GSI With TWRP

How To Install?

  1. Perform a factory reset within TWRP
  2. Transfer the GSI from your PC to your device’s internal storage where TWRP can access it.
  3. Tap on “Install.”
  4. Change the type from “zip” to “image.”
  5. Find and select the GSI you downloaded.
  6. Choose to flash to the system partition.
  7. Once that is done, reboot your device.

How to flash Samsung S9/S9+

  1. Update the stock firmware to the latest
  2. Unlock OEM in developer settings
  3. At reboot, follow the setup wizard, then activate developer options
  4. Activate adb and type: ‘adb reboot bootloader’, or press power/vol-/bixby buttons altogether.
  5. Flash lineageOS recovery for S9 or recovery for S9+ with command: heimdall flash –RECOVERY <recovery_filename>.img
  6. As soon as the flash ends, press power/vol+/bixby buttons altogether to directly reboot to recovery
  7. Sideload flash iodéOS for s9 or iodéOS for s9+
  8. Format data

How to flash Sony Xperia (XA2, XZ1, XZ2)

  1. Get your unlock code from Sony website
  2. Unlock bootloader: connect to a wifi in order to grey-out “Unlock OEM” in developer settings
  3. adb reboot bootloader (or press VOLUME UP and plug phone while it’s shut down)
  4. fastboot oem unlock 0x<unlock code>
  5. Following your device:
  6. Unplug the phone
  7. press POWER+VOLUME DOWN until reboot in TWRP
  8. From TWRP => Wipe => Format Data: type ‘yes’
  9. From TWRP => Advanced => ADB Sideload: swipe to start sideload, and issue adb sideload <> (the rom image can be found here: XA2, XZ1, XZ2)

How to flash Mi 9

  1. Unlock your phone by following the instructions from Xiaomi website
  2. adb reboot bootloader (or press power+VOLUME DOWN)
  3. fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.4.0-0-cepheus-mauronofrio.img
  4. Press POWER+VOLUME UP until reboot in TWRP
  5. From TWRP => Wipe => Format Data: type ‘yes’
  6. From TWRP => Advanced => ADB Sideload: swipe to start sideload, and issue adb sideload <> (the rom image can be found here)


  • 20/11/2020:
    • Kernel updated to latest stable: 4.14.207
    • Made some internal changes to improve stability
    • iodé app (blocker): app switches replaced by shields around app icons, aggregated apps view in report, historical data deletion for each period by long press on an app line in report, black list updated
    • LineageOS sources synced
    • Prebuilt apps updated
    • Added a iodé category in FDroid, to quickly distribute the apps we customize. We had to fork FDroid for this purpose.
    • Magisk survival script working again: it is not needed anymore to reflash Magisk after an OTA
  • 29/10/2020:
    • Kernel updated to latest stable: 4.14.202
    • Merged CAF tag LA.UM.8.1.r1-16200-sm8150.0
    • Updated blobs to miui
    • Switched to QTI bluetooth stack
    • Built as much stuff as possible from sources.
    • Synced Lineage sources.
    • Added screen-off FOD (one glitch though: DT2W must be enabled to make it work – to be fixed).
    • Reworked auto-brightness levels.
    • Updated Microg to with commits up to 28/10, in particular Mapbox maps which now mostly work.
    • Replaced Qwant browser by Firefox, with Qwant set as default search engine and telemetry disabled by default.
  • 05/08/2020:
    • Synced LineageOS sources and device tree
    • microG updated to v0.2.11.202414 plus commits up to 05/08
    • AppleNLP backend working again
    • Prebuilt apps updated to their latest version
  • 25/07/2020:
    • Synced lineage (security patch r40) and device tree
    • Minor UI fixes and improvements in iodé adblocker
    • Updated blocklist
    • Updated preinstalled apps
    • Improved bootanimation
  • 28/06/2020: initial publicly available build of iodéOS for cepheus. It inherits the work previously published in this thread. NB: the default browser of LineageOS, Jelly, has been replaced by Qwant. For those who miss Jelly, unzip, and push the Jelly directory to /system/product/app.

VIdeo Thumbnail Setup

  1. Pip-Boy for KLWP
  2. This set-up is inspired by fictional wearable computer in the post-apocalyptic Fallout video game franchise called Pip-Boy.
  3. Remix Icons
  4. Launcher :- Nova Launcher Prime

iodé smartphones

The iodé smartphones are refurbished in France by our professional partner.
The reburbishing protocol is very strict. Our smartphones are 100% functional, tested, desimlocked, empty of any data. The battery life is certified with the manufacturer demand.

Buy iode os installed Phones :- Here

Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.