DateMarch 7, 2025

Download Evolution X 4.1 Android 10 Rom

Download Evolution X 4.1 Android 10 Rom

Taking customisation to the next level

If you thought CyanogenMod was the best customisable ROM ever available for Android, then you are in for a treat. Havoc-OS takes customisation to the next level. The custom ROM is a beast when it comes to customisation. You can change almost anything on your device. If it exists, it is customisable.

Battery saving

Almost all phones have a battery saver application that gets activated automatically when the battery falls below 15-20% or you can even switch it on manually. In Havoc however, you get multiple features to do so. One such feature is ‘Sensor block per-package’. You can switch it on manually. What this feature does it that it essentially blocks the access to certain sensors on your phone for certain apps, which saves battery. Another feature is ‘Alarm blocker’, which prevents certain applications from waking up your phone when you get notifications. Using these battery saving features can sometimes give you a massive boost in screen-on times.

Quick Settings

Quick settings can be accessed by pulling the notification shade further down. Most Android skins allow you some basic quick settings including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Mobile data toggles, etc. Havoc-OS, on the other hand, can offer you multiple quick setting toggles, and even some features that wouldn’t previously exist on your device like screen recording (which can be accessed from the quick settings).


What about the new things?

This release was planned to be something bigger, but after a talk with our maintainer, we decided to add changes that are pretty essential to close down this Pie chapter, with a mix of… trying to improve what we had already and fixing some bugs and keeping everything up-to-date… and why not having some fun inbetween? That’s why we share to you our changelog:


– 20 Accent Colors
– 5 Lock Screen Clock Styles
– Pixel 2019 Wallpapers
– Pixel Theme Picker
– 4G/LTE Icon Toggle
– Brightness Control
– Network Traffic Activity
– VoLTE Toggle
– Force Close Notifications
– In Call Vibrations
– Kill App Button
– Notification light Config
Quick Settings
– Bottom Brightness Slider Toggle
– Gaming Mode Quick Settings Tile
– Quick Pulldown (Left/Right)
– Quick Settings Rows & Columns Customization
– Tile Titles Toggle
– AOSP Gestures
– Back Gesture Height Config
– Double Tap to Sleep Lockscreen
– Double Tap To Sleep Status Bar
– Screen Off Power Button Torch
– Swipe To Screenshot
– Fingerprint Authentication Vibration Toggle
– Lock Screen Charging Info
– Lock Screen Music Visualizer
– Lock Screen Shortcuts
– Media Artwork Toggle
– Pocket Detection
– Status bar visibility toggle
– Invert Layout
Hardware Buttons
– Power Menu Customization
– Volume Rocker Cursor Control
– Volume Rocker Playback Control
– Volume Rocker Wake
– Alarm Blocker
– Default USB Config
– Wakelock Blocker
– Wake On Charge


Battery performance profiles
Sensor block per-package
Wakelock blocker
Alarm blocker
Optimal charge level alert

Power menu tweaks
Volume dialog tweaks

Quick Settings:
Brightness slider customization
QS panel footer customization
QS layout editor
Custom header images

Disable fc notifications
Force expanded notifications
Disable immersive mode messages
Kill app button in notification
Screen-on notifications
Toast icon
Toast animation
Toast icon color
Toast text color
Heads up toggle
Heads up timeout
Heads up blacklist
Heads up stoplist
Snooze timer
Statusbar ticker
Ticker animation
In-Call vibration options
Less annoying in-call notifications

Charging info
Hide statusbar
Lockscreen elements visibility
Notification count
Lockscreen colors
Clock and date options
Lockscreen alpha
Double tap to sleep
Wake and unlock
Ambient display music ticker
Ambient display bottom view (Weather/Battery/None)
Music cover art
Music visualizer
Disable power menu
Disable qs panel
Fingerprint vibration
FP unlock on boot
Face auto unlock
Custom bottom shortcuts

Navigation mode(Stock/Smartbar/Fling)
Dynamic navbar color

Three finger screenshot
Pie control
App circle bar
Gesture anywhere
Screen-on gestures
Touchscreen gestures

System Animations
Android P animations
Disable animations
QS tile animations
Listview animations
Custom Bootanimation
Screen off animation

How To Install?

  • Must have Unlock Bootloader:-How to Click here
  • Must-Have Custom Recovery:- How to Click here
  • Download (Link Below )
  • Go to your Recovery
  • Wipe Data System Cache Dalvik
  • Install ROM
  • Install Gapps
  • Reboot – 1st boot takes around 5-10 minutes.
  • Enjoy



Please Google your phone’s codename


Recovery Needed:-Download

Download Evolution X Rom for All Android Phones :-Download Page



Hi My Name is Nesh I have passion in cinematography, And I use it to create engaging youtube videos for My youtube channel Game of Roms. I make Phone Reviews, Tips & Tricks and Android Rom Videos.